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gDiapers Little gPant Diaper Covers Review

I have been wanting to try gDiapers on my little one for a while so I was super excited when I received two gPant Diaper Covers for review from I got the L size as I wanted to make sure they were going to fit my son.

gDiapers diapers are actually pretty different and I have never tried any diapers like these before.  The outer or cover is all cloth and the inner liner (in white) is waterproof.  The liner is removable and you can just wipe it after every use and reuse it if the diaper is not a messy one.  I found if it was just pee I was able to use it a couple of times before changing it.

I didn't receive any inserts with the covers so for my review I used my own flip stay-dry inserts. They fit in the liner and I had no problem using them with the gcovers.

A couple of things I liked about these were the laundry tabs and the velcro closure in the back. The back closure is perfect as I don't like how easily my son can open any velcro closures that are in the front now.

During my testing I only had one leak when the diaper was really messy and to be honest it would have probably leaked with any diaper!  There are some explosions that are extremely hard to keep contained!

I like how the gDiaper covers worked in general and even though I wouldn't try them for overnight I recommend them as a daytime system. I know they also have disposable inserts that you can use with them but I didn't receive any to test so I can't say if we like them or not. You can find more info on how the disposable inserts work on the gDiaper's website here if interested.

Buy it: If you want to try gDiapers for yourself you can find a great selection at I found their prices are some of the lowest around so it is a great chance to try them if you have been wanting to check them out for a while.

*Disclosure: I received a sample of a product to facilitate  my review. No other compensation  was provided and and all views and opinions stated on this post are 100% my own.  


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