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Random Acts of Kindness {A Weekly Resolution}

Have you ever been the recipient of a Random Act of Kindness (RAK)?  A Random Act of Kindness is something that is done unexpectedly out of the will to extend goodness, person to person and without expecting anything in return.

One of my New Year's resolutions for 2012 is to complete a Random Act of Kindness every week (more than once a week if possible) but to set a goal to do it at least once a week. I started completing my Random Acts of Kindness already and I must say that there are so many opportunities that present themselves throughout the week, it is easy to do more than one a week.

The possibilities are endless and once you start thinking about it you will see the opportunities are always there.

Part of my resolution is to invite other people to join me and each perform one Random Act of Kindness whenever they have a chance.   The power of kindness is truly priceless and brightening up people's day is a beautiful way to start the new year.  Don't you think? 


  1. Just saw this! Such a Great Idea. It is so easy to lose focus on what is important in life and what is going on around you. I'm going to start today.

  2. a simple thing like holding a door for a mom with a stroller can make such a huge difference to that mom's day, yet so many people won't take the 10 seconds to do it. I certainly make a point of smiling & thanking them when they do. & try to at least do the same for others

  3. January 23--I have always tried to be kind to others but I have really never made a committment until lately to do random acts more often. I look at it as responding to the voice of the Holy Spirit within me to help out my brothers and sisters in Him. Your weekly resolution and my own reflections have caused me to be more aware of the ways in which we may help others. I have thought, for a long time now, that many of us are 'walking wounded' and even a smile or kind word from others will make someone's day better or happier.

  4. My husband and I love doing RAKs; it really makes us feel great as well!


  5. This is a wonderful idea, I love it so much that I am going to make the commitment to do at least 1 random act of kindness each week...Thank you for sharing this truly lovely idea.

  6. I love this idea! I am going to do this myself!

  7. My first week of doing a RAK and I feel so good about myself. I gave my seat up on the public bus to a pregnant woman and I also helped a Mom with 2 little ones carry her groceries to her car...I will keep doing RAKs..


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