I was super excited when I found out we were going to try out the Smart-Trike Zoo 3-in-1 Tricycle from Smart-Trike. First of all I love the fact that this is a product that is designed to be used for a while. It can be used from 10 months up to about 36 months! The super SMART-Trike can be adjusted depending on the child's age so it basically grows with your child.
Having a tricycle that grows with your child means not having to buy a brand new tricycle once your little one is older. So you are saving money and avoiding waste at the same time! Brilliant!
When we received the package from Smart-Trike I wondered how many small pieces we were going to be putting together. To be honest it wasn't that bad at all. First of all you are dealing with lots of larger pieces and the package has step by step instructions with lots of pictures that are super easy to follow.
Now if you get confused with manuals and instructions and you are more visual then be sure to check out their website. I LOVE that they have a full assembly video showing step by step how to build your Smart-Trike. It is super easy to just follow along and you can always pause the video if one step is taking you a bit longer than expected.
After we built the Smart-Trike it was time to test it. My son was thrilled! He was screaming in excitement every time we pushed the tricycle. He LOVED it! We put it together in the first setting (10 months+) and it was very safe and secure for him plus very comfortable. Some of my favorite features were: the Seat Belt, Washable and Padded Seat Cover, Side Safety Bar, the Foot Rest, the Adjustable & Removable Handle and the Play Phone that comes attached to the front. My son sure loved that!
The Smart-Trike's frame is not made of plastic but instead metal and it has special injection rubber wheels designed for smooth riding. You would think it is heavy but it is super light and easy to carry instead. On top of that it is made with high quality materials and you can continue to use it for many many years!
We are enjoying this stage of the tricycle and it is great to take it when we go on walks instead of his stroller. He sure loves our walks when he is riding his tricycle, he is all smiles and I hear lots of giggles and squeals. I can't wait to try the other stages once he is a bit older.
Buy it: ($139.99 CDN) You can purchase your own Smart-Trike Zoo at a Toys R Us store near you. The Smart-Trike would make a fabulous gift for the holidays.
Omg, that's such a cute tricycle!
ReplyDeleteMy little one would LOVE this. Thanks for the review, very insightful.
ReplyDeleteWhat an awesome trike! Very sturdy and safe looking!